ILDS Uluslararası kayıt sistemi-Psoprotecte daveti

International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS)’nin, pandemi döneminde psoriasis, immünomodülatör tedaviler,komorbiditeler  ve COVID-19 etkileşiminin hızlı bir şekilde anlaşılması ve sonuçlar üzerinden güncellemelerin sağlanabilmesi amacıyla oluşturulmuş, uluslararası kayıt sitemi-PsoProtecte daveti;


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are writing to share with you an important international initiative designed to study outcomes of coronavirus infection in people with psoriasis: PsoPROTECT

PsoProtect is an international registry for clinicians to report outcomes of COVID-19 in individuals with psoriasis. The ILDS and the Global Psoriasis Atlas are both partners of Pso/Protect.

The immediate purpose of PsoPROTECT is to rapidly understand how immunomodulator therapies and comorbidities impact outcomes to COVID-19 in psoriasis and provide real time updates on cases reported for the benefit of the clinical community. Uploading case information to the website is quick. All data are de-identified. The core dataset collection is closely aligned to fields in other registries to facilitate cross registry work, including those in inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatology.

We encourage you to promote this important initiative to colleagues (including via social media) and also to upload data on any patients you may have with psoriasis who develop COVID-19 via the website:

Kind regards,

Lars French
ILDS President

COVID-19: Please note that the ILDS Office is closed. The ILDS Secretariat will be working from home indefinitely and are available during our usual working hours. Please contact us via email during this time. Thank you for your understanding.